The thought-provoking seven-part anthology series will “explore the deeper meaning of human connection through the lens of the individual,” according to Deadline. “‘Solos’ will tell unique character-driven stories, each from a different perspective and moment in time, that illuminate that even during our most seemingly isolated moments, in the most disparate of circumstances, we are all connected through the human experience.”

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Each 30-minute episode will blend theatrical elements with science fiction, with these accomplished actors digging into their respective monologues. The unique format is likely what attracted so many big names to the project from this relatively new creator. “These are some of the most masterful actors [to] have been on screen ever,” Weil told EW. “And I think that what’s so exciting and consistent about each of them is that they always want to challenge themselves. They always want to do something different, and ‘Solos,’ I think, presented an opportunity for them that was unlike anything they’ve done before.” Freeman will play a character battling Alzheimer’s; Mirren plays a woman alone on a space shuttle; and Hathaway plays a scientist who discovers time travel in an episode directed by Zach Braff.

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